

Diabla are the sort of people who spend more time outside the house than inside. They like the beach, the countryside, a terrace or an urban park. Even better if the weather is good. But if it isn’t, we don’t let it spoil our day.

Diabla has an open, enthusiastic and cosmopolitan approach to life in the open air, so they never stop thinking about new formulas for enjoying outdoor living in all kinds of environments and surroundings at any time of year, whatever the weather.

They’re particularly keen on ideas that express new lifestyles, with a free and easy, creative attitude to being outside.

Diabla designs don’t shy away from colour or from experimenting with shapes and materials; they explore new concepts or turn existing notions upside down. There’s no room for more of the same in our design strategy.

They know there are Diabla people all over the world… they’re as unconventional and unpredictable as we are. They have bold, colourful, original, elegant personalities; they search for creative designs for stylish settings.


Upon Request

  • Diabla