Upon Request
Alfredo Chiaramonte was born in Bologna in 1961 and studied at the School of Architecture in Venice. Marco Marin was born in Venice in 1964 and graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts with a specialization in industrial design. They worked together with well-known companies such as Miniforms, Emu Group, Bonaldo, Vistosi, Nasonmoretti, Andromeda International, Hoffman Italia, Renault Italia, Moulinex, Artificia, Gemina Publishing Group.
The Czech premium lighting brand Brokis stands for the synthesis of exquisite design, superior quality, and the remarkable craftsmanship of Bohemian glass artisans. Conceived by renowned Czech and foreign designers, the original BROKIS lighting collections have steadily earned international acclaim and recognition.
6th km, National Road Chania – Rethymnon
(near Souda interchange)
73100 Chania Crete, Greece