
Knot battery

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Product Code: 1139

Knot Table Battery combines coarse natural fibre with smooth, transparent handblown glass to generate new moods in outdoor illumination.‎‎ Knot, a collection of stately pendent lights that appose two dramatically dissimilar materials, has now been expanded with a portable outdoor variant.‎ The original Knot collection features full-bodied globes of varying shapes and sizes penetrated by robust cords that seemingly pull the glass inward for a bemusing plastic effect.‎ Knot Table Battery provides the perfect anchor for the lofty pendants in this collection typified by its use of strikingly disparate materials.‎ The LED light source is cradled in a handsome bottom piece, which, like the cord end cap, is fashioned from refined metal.‎ Knot Table Battery is IP44 compliant for outdoor use, thus its charm is not confined to only the interior.‎ Charging is by means of a convenient magnetic connector in the lower part of the light.‎ Knot Table Battery is a sophisticated and flexible light that provides up to six hours of use on a single charge, which makes it ideal not only for lighting outdoor spaces but also enhancing existing lighting.‎ Thanks to its portability, Knot Table Battery is well suited to daily use and for adding a special touch to social events.‎ Now also in a smaller variant.‎

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  • Chiaramonte Marin

    Alfredo Chiaramonte and Marco Marin, the promoting partners of Designstudio, share a passion for industrial products. Their diverse experiences in interiors, graphics, industrial, and lighting design contribute to a versatile and mixed knowledge base. With a background in Murano glass and outdoor furniture, they’ve collaborated with renowned companies like Miniforms, Emu Group, and Bonaldo. Both Chiaramonte and Marin have received recognition for their work, displayed in permanent collections of international museums, including Museo Correr in Venice and Moma in San Francisco.

  • Chiaramonte Marin
  • Brokis

    The Czech premium lighting brand Brokis stands for the synthesis of exquisite design, superior quality, and the remarkable craftsmanship of Bohemian glass artisans. Conceived by renowned Czech and foreign designers, the original BROKIS lighting collections have steadily earned international acclaim and recognition.

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